sexta-feira, dezembro 15, 2006

...something..has past over

Strange thoughts running my mind:

or not..!

I won't this time..I'll live if I had to..I'll do what my reason tell me to!
Don't expect something from me..before giving you at all!

I really won't change what was been already changed..
..I just see, think, and supose..
at this moment..I'm ready for what I really this moment

I think..the worst part is not lose, or being know that is already is lost..!

I can't take my thoughts off..
..or my mind..too..
I can't undercover my acts...

..I just..will not fight..what I have been fighting..
..I won't fight..what I alredy lost..

Take actions..
..think less.. pilow..

1 comentário:

Inês disse...

"Don't expect something from me..before giving you at all!"

"at this moment..I'm ready for what I really this moment"

"I just..will not fight..what I have been fighting..
..I won't fight..what I alredy lost.."


Não estava a espera de ler algo como isto!