domingo, janeiro 27, 2008

to regret

'Un je ne sais quois'
It sounds better in french than in English or Portuguese, I think.

I am in fourth or fifth place and if I'm there so close, always dispatched.
Nothing to obvious, but instead nothing to tricky.
It's chily outside, someway that is inside me, that I start to tremble.
I start to sense somekind of dim in some lights, the same in some eyes that I look into.
Everything is starting to shake, starting above the knowledgement of Being, through the foundations of what I want to believe in and it ends somewhere, that I can't know where.
I woke up especting something, ear something, but that has not come.
I'm always the same, I always think I have ordinary thoughts but I'm always misunderstood.

That's life.

good night..!

sábado, janeiro 26, 2008


ja la vao umas horas, i por ai teem passado uns dias i algumas semanas.

Deito-me, adormeCo i nada acontece, por vezes acordo, i quando isso acontece caio em mim, acordo!

apercebo-me que muito se abate sobre mim,visoes, tempos, palavras, muitas vezes desnecessarias, enfim.

Retrospectiva do tempo...

...esta, onde perdi bom tempo i ganhei outro tanto, gargalhadas infindas...pensamentos sublimes, ou como alguem se lembra-se: 'patetices'.

Se pudesse voltar atras tirarias umas quantas coisas de mim. Agora, olho para a frente, respiro i sigo, quem me acompanha depois de tudo...

segunda-feira, janeiro 07, 2008


"I can't take my eyes off of you"

That's all